An ultrasonic thickness gauge is a device used to measure the thickness of materials using ultrasonic waves. It is a non-destructive testing (NDT) tool that provides fast and accurate thickness measurements without the need for direct contact with the material being measured.

Here’s an overview of a typical ultrasonic thickness gauge:

  1. Measurement Principle: Ultrasonic thickness gauges use the principle of ultrasonic sound waves. The gauge emits high-frequency sound waves (typically in the range of 1 に 20 MHz) into the material being measured. These sound waves travel through the material and reflect back from the opposite side or from a back wall. The gauge measures the time taken for the sound waves to travel and calculates the thickness based on the known velocity of sound in the material.
  2. Transducer: The ultrasonic thickness gauge consists of a handheld unit with a transducer or probe. The transducer generates the ultrasonic sound waves and also acts as a receiver to detect the reflected waves. The transducer is placed on the surface of the material being measured, and the gauge displays the thickness measurement on its screen.
  3. Display and Readout: The gauge has a digital display screen that shows the measured thickness in real-time. ディスプレイには統計データなどの追加情報が表示される場合があります。, 測定単位 (例:, millimeters or inches), および校正ステータス. Some gauges also offer graphical displays for visualizing the thickness measurements.
  4. Measurement Range and Resolution: Ultrasonic thickness gauges come in various models with different measurement ranges and resolutions. The measurement range determines the maximum and minimum thickness values that the gauge can accurately measure, while the resolution determines the smallest incremental change in thickness that the gauge can detect.
  5. Calibration: To ensure accurate measurements, ultrasonic thickness gauges require calibration. Calibration involves setting the gauge to a known reference standard or a material with a known thickness and adjusting the gauge accordingly. 一部のゲージには校正機能が組み込まれています, 一方、認定された校正機関による定期的な校正が必要な製品もあります.
  6. Applications: Ultrasonic thickness gauges are widely used in industries such as manufacturing, metal fabrication, オイルとガス, 石油化学, 発電, and maritime. They are used to measure the thickness of pipes, タンク, vessels, プレート, and other structures made of various materials, 金属を含む, プラスチック, 複合材, and glass. The gauge helps assess the structural integrity, monitor corrosion, detect thinning of materials, and ensure compliance with safety and quality standards.

Additional features found in some ultrasonic thickness gauges include data logging, データ転送機能, multiple measurement modes, adjustable sound velocity settings for different materials, さらなる分析とレポート作成のためのコンピュータ ソフトウェアとの互換性.

超音波厚さ計を選ぶとき, it’s important to consider factors such as the material being measured, 必要な測定精度, 測定範囲, 解決, および満たす必要がある特定の業界標準または規制.